originated in the United States in the 1980s, initiated by the automotive
company, General Motors. Since then, it has penetrated into numerous other
sectors in the U.S. and is spreading into countries in Europe, South America,
and Asia. See articles below for details on specific programs in these
Chemical Management Services in Sweden and Europe: Lessons for
the Future
Oksana Mont, Pranshu Singhal, and Zinaida Fadeeva
This article provides an overview of the existing advantages and barriers
for CMS providers and customers in the European context, identifies conflicts
of interest between them, and highlights important lessons regarding the
role of CMS in shaping these markets. It reports on findings from interviews
with European chemical producers and other stakeholders of chemical management
services and is directed toward industry professionals interested in chemical
management services. It concludes that economic and environmental advantages
of CMS are not automatically guaranteed and lists factors that are critical
for developing a win-win CMS model for both providers and customers. Finally,
ways of fostering CMS dissemination in Europe are suggested.
the article
Chemical Product-Services in the European Union
Jaap Kortman, et al., IVAM UvA BV
A study sponsored by the European Commission addresses the economic and
environmental potential of Chemical Product Services (CPS) in the EU and
the desirability of public intervention to improve the CPS market. From
the information collected, the study concludes that CPS generally allows
a reduction of chemical use of 5-30%, depending on the type of chemical
and industrial application. In most cases, CPS markets are driven by customers’ attempt
to increase efficiency in the value chain and to reduce costs; a joint attempt
by suppliers to maintain or increase their markets; and/or environmental
and occupational regulations. The study predicts that the potential market
for CPS in the EU will be approximately 10 billion Euros in sales for the
year 2015.
Read the Executive Summary
Download the Full Report
For information on the challenges and opportunities of rolling out an international program, view the following presentations from the 10th Annual CMS Workshop
Taking Chemical Management Global
Scott Little, Commodity Manager, UTC Supply Management, United Technologies Corporation
Chemicals Management: The Challenges of Going Global at General Motors
Mike Knoblock, Manager of Global Environmental Programs, General Motors
Implementing International Programs: Globalization Views
Chuck Breinholt, VP Sales & Marketing, Rinchem Company, Inc.
Bruce Kasen, Director, Global and National Programs, Veolia Environmental
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