CMS in Universities and Research Institutions
In 2002, CSP received funding from the US EPA, Office of Solid Waste to benchmark current practices and evaluate the viability of external, chemical management companies to assist educational institutions in chemical management. The project delivered two case studies demonstrating “best practices” in chemical management in educational institutions for the University of New Hampshire and UC Merced. Additionally, CSP managed two pilot projects with UC Merced and Dartmouth College to explore whether CMS could more cost effectively facilitate chemical management in an educational setting. This project provided critical information on chemical management alternatives for educational and research institutions and the ability of external CMS providers to meet their needs.
Download the final research report on CMS in educational institutions

Case Study: University of New Hampshire
Based on its leadership in approaching chemical management, the University of New Hampshire was selected as a case study to illustrate current chemical management “best practices” in educational settings.
View the completed case study.

Pilot Project: Dartmouth College
Dartmouth College was recruited to participate in a pilot CMS program. The pilot explored whether a CMS program could more cost effectively facilitate chemical management, including the reduction and elimination of mercury, in an educational setting.

Pilot Project: UC Merced
CSP also worked with University of California Merced - a research campus in the UC system - to assess the feasibility of the CMS model at this new institution. UC Merced provided an interesting opportunity, as the new facilities have the ability to plan their chemical management from the ground up.

For more information, download the one-page CSP brochure (pdf file)
or download the two-page EPA/OSWER brochure (pdf file).

The project is funded by the U.S. EPA, Office of Solid Waste.